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2023-02-13 怀孕百科 507 作者:网友投稿

月15日是国际民主日。让我们来了解一下比利时的民主是如何在 “三权分立”中体现以及如何实施从而实现相互制约的。

On the 15th of September we celebrate the international day of Democracy. We’d like to use this opportunity to give an overview about how democracy is reflected throughout Belgium’s institutions and how Belgian institutions are designed so that they keep each other in check under what is called the “separation of powers”.

首先,在历史上,公民直接参与选举是比利时民主制度的基础,此进程在比利时经历了多次变革。在1830年比利时独立之时,只有年满 25 岁且每年缴纳税款的男性才可以参与投票。1893年后,所有25岁以上的男性都可以参与投票,但其中部分选民如纳税人或某些知识分子,是甚至可以投两票的。直至1921年,所有男性可以投一票,而女性则可以在市政选举中投票。从1948年起,女性与男性在“普选”中拥有了平等的投票权利。

First, a little piece of history: direct participation of citizens in elections, which is the basis of our democratic system, have gone through a lot of changes in Belgium. Starting from 1830, the year of Belgium’s independence, only men above 25 who payed annual taxes could vote. In 1893 all men older than 25 could vote, but some of them, such as the tax payers or certain intellectuals, got two votes instead of one. In 1921 all men got 1 vote and women could vote in the municipal elections. In 1948 women and men got an equal right to vote in what is called the “universal suffrage”.


Today, every Belgian over 18 years old is not only able but also obligated to vote. Elections are held every five or six years depending on the governmental level, namely:

1. 欧洲联盟

European Union

欧盟27个成员国每五年举行一次欧洲议会选举。这是一次直选和普选,在此期间选出 705个议席。在这705个议席中,比利时有 21个代表本国的席位,所有居住在比利时的其它欧盟成员国公民都有权投票选举这21个席位。

The European Parliament election takes place every five years in all 27 Member States of the EU simultaneously. It is a direct and universal election, during which 705 Members of Parliament are elected. Of these 705 members, Belgium is represented by 21 Belgian deputies at the European Parliament. Every European Union citizen who resides in Belgium also has the right to vote in this election.

2. 联邦级(或立法)

Federal (or legislative)


Belgians vote to elect the 150 members of the Chamber of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Senate. Federal elections also mark the start of the process of setting up the new federal government.

3. 地区和社区

Region and Community


Members of the regional and community parliaments are elected (Flanders, Wallonia Region, Brussels-Capital Region, the French Community or Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the German-Speaking Community). These elections also largely but not entirely determine the composition of the upper house of the Senate on the Federal level.

4. 省和市

Province and Municipality


Belgians vote every six years for their representatives at the provincial level and municipal (city-wide) level. For elections at the municipal level, every foreigner who resides in Belgium also has the right to vote to elect municipal leaders.

“三权分立”保障了国家的民主运作和尊重所有公民的自由和权利。这一原则保证了国家的立法、行政或司法部门不滥用权力。在联邦层面,比利时公民通过不同的选举投票支持议会的两院:这是立法权。 这是由联邦议会制定的法律。行政权力或联邦政府负责保障该法律的具体实施。司法权体现在法院和法庭,所需时负责执法。 例如,部长不得向法官或议员下达命令,或试图影响他们;而法官则无权立法。

The “separation of powers” guarantees the democratic functioning of the country and respect for the freedoms and rights of all citizens. This principle guarantees that no abuse of power is made by either the legislative, executive or judiciary branch of the State. On the federal level, Belgians vote for the Parliament’s two chambers through different elections: this is the legislative power. This federal parliament makes laws. The executive power, or the federal government, is responsible for guaranteeing the concrete implementation of these laws. The judiciary power is embodied by the courts and tribunals which enforce the laws whenever needed. In the practice, for example, a minister cannot give orders to a judge or a member of parliament or even try to influence them, and a judge cannot create a law.






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